Beyonces Formation Workout at HOME!

You and Beyonce have the same 24 hours in the day and now you have the exclusive workout she relies on.

Get ready the way Beyonce did for the Formation tour! This workout was designed by Marco Borges to get the queen ready for 2 hour long performances night after night.

  1. ENERGY – Queen B stays tough with boxing and swinging heavy ropes. If you don’t have the equipment you can try explosive push ups. Get in push up position, bend elbows, and lower chest off the floor. Press back up, pushing off you hands at the top to pop an inch above the ground. Do 4 sets of 8-10 reps.
  2. RUN FASTER – She needs to be able to move across the stage fast so Borges has her alternate one-minute sprints with two minutes of brisk walking for a total of 30 minutes.
  3. STRENGTH –  Borges is also a huge fan of the kettle bell squat and press. Even if you did nothing else, you’d still get a great workout because this move hits all major muscle groups. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, holding a dumbell (or full laundry detergent bottle) at chest, elbows tucked in at sides. Squat down until elbows touch knees. Drive hips forward to stand up, lifting weight overhead. Do four sets of 15 reps.
  4. BALANCE – Single leg step-ups help Beyonce pull off choreography in heels. Step up onto a sturdy chair or bench with your right foot, bring left knee up to your chest, and return to start. Do 4 sets of 15, switch sides then repeat.
  5. FLEXIBILITY – We all agree that stretching after a workout is important. “It’s key for range of motion and help prevent injury” Grab a towel and lie on the floor. Bend and life right leg, looping towel over arch of foot. Straighten leg, gently pulling towel down with both hands. Hold towel with right hand and drop leg out to the right. Switch to the left hand and bring leg across for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.


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